Dog Breeds Insurance Companies Don’t Like

What dog breeds do Insurance Companies not like? Which breeds of dog likely will not allow you to get preferred home insurance? What to do?  Certain Dog Breeds Insurance Companies don’t like and what to do about it.

First off, lets be clear – there is no ONE LIST of Dog Breeds that all Insurance Carriers use. Each insurance carrier can and often do use their own. That being said different versions of the list seem pretty similar. From professional experience, I can tell you that the “Pitbull” is the number one breed that clients come to me that they have trouble insuring.

Why is this? Well look at this one statistic from Time Magazine: “Pit bulls make up only 6% of the dog population, but they’re responsible for 68% of dog attacks and 52% of dog-related deaths since 1982…”  That is a very telling stat.  68% of dog attacks!  You can see why insurance companies will not cover them.

The CDC is the one that seems to keep dog related statistics.  There have been 30 dog related fatalities from 1979 to 1996 in California alone.   Those are just deaths and are not injuries that did not result in death.  The corresponding amount of lawsuits from dog related injuries is staggering.  According to the Insurance Information Institute dog bites account for approximately one third of all home liability insurance claims.

Dog Breeds Insurance Companies

Ten Dog Breeds Insurance Companies Generally Do Not Like:

  • Pitbull
  • Alaskan Malamute
  • Chow Chow
  • Wolf Hybrid
  • Siberian Husky, Sometimes Alaskan Husky
  • Rottweiler
  • German Shepherd
  • Doberman
  • Great Dane
  • Boxer

Also added to other Insurer Lists:

  • Stafford Terrier
  • Presa Canarios
  • Mastiff
  • Cane Corsos
Dog Breeds?

Not a Dog, but you get the point.

Of Special Note concerning Bite history:

Regardless of the breed of dog, if your dog has a bite history, you also will likely have lots of trouble with home insurance.  Sadly many of these clients need to have their dogs excluded from their homeowners insurance policy once this has happened which often leads to owners having to make some really difficult decisions.

The Risk Management of Dog Ownership:

As a dog owner and dog lover myself, I professionally have to separate out the responsibility aspect of dog ownership.  When adopting a new dog, owners need to be aware of the Insuarnce Dog exlusions list.   Obviously deciding against one of the dogs on this list could be a smart first step.   I realize that this will leave lots of unwanted dogs in need of necesary homes.  During this process you should contact your insurance agent and inquire with them.

“Pitbulls make up 68% of dog attacks” on record.

The Muddled Mutt Question?

I know, I hear this quite a bit.  “I don’t really know what type of dog it is.”  After all many puppies are not handed over by both parents, let alone with certified papers.  Many strays just find their way into our homes.  Many homeowners choose adoption and they adopt a wonderful dog that does not have certified papers.  So what should you do if you do not know the breed of dog you have?   I have asked this question of insurance companies and have never been given a satisfactory answer.   My professional opinion is to always state what you know.  In the absence of knowing, what you believe is true.    What your vet thinks.   Therefore, I would go by whatever parental information there is and lastly I would go by what the dog looks like and perhaps by what you vet suggests the breed may be.  That may perhaps be a bit of a long explanation.  If the animal looks like a pit bull and you do not know the parents have have no other paperwork, that would be your best guess.

Can it help to lie about the breed of dog?  An emphatic no is the answer.  Although lieing about it ititally may make the placement of insurance easier, in may make it a complete and utter mess when a claim comes along.   Did you know that an insurance carrier can refuse to cover you if they believe you were intentionally not truthful on an insurance application for a material fact?  

Lastly I suggest that more detailed information concerning the dog be added to the notes section of an insurance application.  Seldom used, but of great importance this section can help you greatly in the future.   A statement in the notes section such as “We believe that the dog is half lab” can be of tremendous value should there be an insurance claim and/or lawsuit.

How to Procure Home Insurance if you Own one of these Dog Breeds:

If you have one of the dog breeds insurance companies don’t like, First off, call around.  Call multiple Captive Insurance Agencies and an Independent Agency.  Start the conversation off, right away, with the issue that you are having.   If you cannot find a preferred or affluent insurance carrier to accept the dog, you may have to settle for 1.  a Non Preferred Carrier or 2.  A dog exclusion endorsement.  This exclusion would mean that the liability from the animal would not be covered by the home insurance.

Get An Independent Home Insurance Quote NOW.

What to Do if you have a dog, Not on the List:

As a general rule of thumb, all owners of dogs, bite history or not, should increase their overall liability insurance amounts.   Why?  Dog bites account for a staggering amount of liability claims, perhaps the greatest amount, depending on how you calculate it.  Even extremely well behaved dogs will react if incorrectly prodded or pushed by children, teenagers, or a burglar.   You could be sued, rightfully or wrongfully, even if your animal did just as they should have.   Dog owners, along with Pool Owners (with a few other less common characteristics) should all generally increase their overall liability and umbrella coverage amounts.   If the insurance agent that you work with failed to review this with you, perhaps its time to consult someone else.

Thank you for reading about Dog Breeds Insurance Companies Don’t like.  Dog Breeds Insurance Companies.  Please read our disclosures.   California License 0K10734.

Other Notable Insurance Articles about Dogs and Dog Breeds:

Forbes:  11 Riskiest Dog Breeds

Insurance Quotes 10 Dog Breeds

Phsychology Today:  14 Dog Breeds Blacklisted