How to Get Home Insurance When you have a Trampoline

  • Surprised that your home insurer flagged your trampoline during home inspection?
  • Are Trampolines Covered by Home Insurance?
  • Dropped by a Homeowners Policy because of a Trampoline?
  • Does your policy contain a Trampoline Exclusion?

One of the more common questions that home insurance agents get is Why does my home insurer care if If I have a trampoline?

The simple answer is that Trampolines produce lots and lots of insurance claims. The devices can cause significant injuries and hence thousands of insurance claims. They are excluded and/or not allowed by numerous home insurers.

But we are getting ahead of ourselves here. Let’s start from the beginning: (1) What is a trampoline, then discuss (2) Why they are dangerous (3) Why insurers care about trampolines (4) How do I get home insurance with a trampoline and (5) How Marindependent deals with trampoline home insurance placement.

What Exactly is a Trampoline?

Merriam Webster defines a Trampoline as: ” a resilient sheet or web (as of nylon) supported by springs in a metal frame and used as a springboard and landing area in tumbling. ” But defines it differently: ” a sheet, usually of canvas, attached by resilient cords or springs to a horizontal frame several feet above the floor, used by acrobats and gymnasts as a springboard in tumbling.”

As it relates to homeowners insurance, I think of trampolines as being used most often by children, for fun or exercise . Typically the product is a purchased as a kit and is raised off the ground. The safer ones will usually be staked to the ground, fully netted, and be padded in certain areas. Hopefully it is within a fenced in backyard area.

There is another type of trampoline that exists that is fully set into the ground. These are often incorporated into the landscaped.

Why are Trampolines Dangerous?

According to the Mayo Clinic: ” Trampoline jumping poses a high risk of injury for children. ” These injuries can be ” result in sprains and fractures in the arms or legs” AND ” potentially serious head and neck injuries.”

In the year 2000 (which is admittedly a long time ago) trampolines accounted for about 100,000 visiting the ER. Source

  • ” Falls from the trampoline were the most frequent cause of death, followed by landing on the neck while attempting somersaults. “
  • ” Most trampoline-related injuries occur to children. Children ages 6 to 14 comprise almost two-thirds of the hospital emergency room injuries…”
  • “CPSC has received reports of 11 deaths relating to trampoline use. “

What do Trampoline Injuries have to do with my Home Insurance?

In general your trampolines does not cover you, your spouse, or children from the bodily injury from trampolines. However the policy “may” cover you from the liability associated with trampolines. In other words, if someone is injury on your trampoline and you get sued, your home and possibly umbrella insurance may cover you. [However these are incredibly broad and general statements and may not apply to your situation.]

The key word in regards to liability coverage is “May.” In order to discover if you have coverage you will need to read your policy and ask your insurance agent.

How to Get Home Insurance if you have a Trampoline:

The first potential solution is so obvious, it might not seem worth mentioning it. If you get a non renewal or fix it ticket from your insurer – take down the trampoline and provide evidence to your insurer. They may require a signed letter as well.

The second potential solution involves contacting your insurer and asking if they will reconsider. The short version on this is some will and some will not. It is theoretically possible that if you provide evidence that you have made your trampoline safer than (by adding netting, staking it down, moving it to the fenced in back yard) that they should consider it The reality on this is that I can’t say that I have successfully seen this done so it might not be worth it.

The third and more painful solution involves finding a new insurance carrier. Since your currently have the trampoline, you will need to disclose it on the application. [This is not one of those things that you want to fail to disclose.]

  • Start off by speaking with an independent agent.
  • Lead with your underwriting issue: “I have a trampoline and need insurance…”
  • Work simultaneously with your current insurer to begin to dismantle it, in case insurance with the trampoline cannot be found.
  • Read the contract of any potential new insurer to confirm that a trampoline exclusion is not in place.

If solution three ends up failing you will have to go back to solution one and take it down. Therefore it does not make sense to close the door on the current insurer right off the bat.

If you have a more complicated underwriting solution [above and beyond the trampoline] such as multiple claims, being in a wildfire zone, or an older home, issuance of a policy with a trampoline might not be possible.

Although technically possible sometimes, I do not recommend settling on getting a homeowners policy with a trampoline exclusion, if you have a trampoline. The liability risks are just too great. Remember you do not have to invite someone onto your jumpie to have them sue you in court.

What is a Trampoline Exclusion?

An example of a trampoline exclusion from United Insurance Group:

“We do not pay for: 1. Any “bodily injury” or “property damage” arising out of any “occurrence” involving any trampoline owned by, or in the care, custody, or control of the “insured” or any member of the insured’s family or household; or 2. Any other loss or exposure arising out of any “occurrence” involving any trampoline owned by, or in the care, custody, or control of the “insured” or any member of control of the “insured” or any member of the insured’s family or household.”

It is pretty clear from this exclusion, that no coverage is provided for bodily injury or liability from anything resulting from a trampoline. The exclusion does not seem to define a trampoline.

Not all Trampoline exclusions will be the exact same. Not all policies have trampolines.

[Authors Note: MIS LLC do not represent United Insurance Group in any way or fashion.]

How do Insurers Find Out You Have a Trampoline?

Insurers usually find out about trampolines form either the insurance agent/application process or a home insurance inspection. Here where I produce lots of policies in Marin County – most homes are either inspected and/or appraised. Trampolines are a difficult thing to hide. I never suggest that consumers lie about having a trampoline, its likely not to work out well for you.

Why you Should Ask your Home Insurance Agent About Trampolines When you Buy One:

There are several reasons. The most prominent reason is that a liability claim against you might not be paid nor defended. This could potentially leave you with hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal claims. Its possible that the cost of trial and verdict could exceed your net worth. In summation – you do not want this.

There are three main potential outcomes that will come from asking your insurance agent about trampolines:

  1. Your agent will tell you have an exclusion and you cannot get one.
  2. Your agent will tell you that insurer will not allow them.
  3. Your agent will tell you that as long as its a safe device with the insurer’s require safety measurement taking that you will should be covered.

How Does Marindependent Insurance Services LLC handle Consumers that Have Trampolines?

We write with numerous home insurers in California that will take well cared for homes that happen to have trampolines. In the San Francisco bay area the issue can be that numerous other underwriting conditions exist and many of these carriers may not accept your home for other reasons. Therefore its important that all known underwriting condition are discussed beforehand.

For new clients that come to us needing home insurance with a trampoline we like to explore multiple quotes from more than one insurer.

How we Handle Home Insurance with a Trampoline:

  • Focus on Keeping Property Insurance in place to start
  • In depth application process that identifies potential other underwriting issues.
  • A fully underwritten quoting process
  • Successful implementation of new insurance policy
  • Proper expectations of home inspection and potential appraisal.

Following this in depth process typically allows us to prevent many of the more frequent issues that some insureds have with trampolines.

Thanks for Reading about Trampolines and Insurance:

Thanks for reading are article. Marindependent Insurance Services LLC is licensed to sell and service property insurance in the great state of California.