Archive for the ‘Affluent Insurance’ Category

Why is My Insurance Agent Upselling me?

Question for my Insurance Agent: Why do you keep sending me offers for insurance products that I do not want? Why are you upselling me? A Similar Question for my agent: Why do you seem solely focused on selling clients new products? Both of these are solid questions can be asked of the entire insurance […]

Med Pay Auto Insurance in California

Med Pay, or Medical Payments Auto Insurance is a type of Optional Auto Insurance Coverage that many consumers overlook. Typical coverage amount options include: $1,000, $2,000, $5,000 and some carriers go as high as $100,000. Medical Payments coverage is optional, meaning that the state of California does not require automobile drivers to carry this coverage.  […]

Marin Home Insurance

Buying Home Insurance, also known as Homeowners Insurance in Marin county can be a complex task.   Read this article to properly insure yourself. The Biggest Insurance Issue facing Marin Homes. Why Saving money might not be the best bet. The five different types of home insurance in this area. Many people incorrectly assume that […]

How to Properly Protect Your Home from Wild Fire in Marin County

How to protect your Marin home from a wildfire. A simple and detailed action plan to assist consumers in protecting themselves during these changing times. Our article will show you what you can do as well as some of the potential insurance changes that need to be made.

Is Pet Insurance Worth It?

Is Pet Insurance Worth It? Americans love owning pets. The American Veterinary Medicine Association found in 2012 that 36.5% of households owned a dog, over 30% owned a cat, and thousands of households owned everything from rabbits to snakes. All told, roughly half of all American households have a pet of some kind. What most […]

California Affluent Insurance

Think things are different for the 1%, imagine their insurance scenario. Unlike most Americans, Affluent Americans need to consider insurance from a much different angle. A typical middle class american may use insurance to cover both the financial loss and the financial cash flow, but for affluent Americans this may not be the best play. […]

Why the Wealthy should Really Consider Earthquake and Flood Insurance

“Earthquake Insurance is too expensive”   “Why would I need Flood Insurance?” Wealthy Earthquake and Flood Insurance. Truly Affluent homeowners, that is, people that both own Luxury Property AND have paid them down, need to consider insuring their homes in a different manner. Insurance for the Affluent: Frequent Readers of my blog posts and articles will […]

Dog Breeds Insurance Companies Don’t Like

What dog breeds do Insurance Companies not like? Which breeds of dog likely will not allow you to get preferred home insurance? What to do?  Certain Dog Breeds Insurance Companies don’t like and what to do about it. First off, lets be clear – there is no ONE LIST of Dog Breeds that all Insurance […]

Why New Parents Shouldn’t Be Worried About Lowering their Auto Insurance Rates

I know you hear it all the time.  You could save 15% in ten minutes or less.  Are you paying too much or auto insurance?  But for new parents auto insurance is not necessarily the right place to cut your costs.  After all, when first time parents have twins, for example, they are over night doubling […]

Term Life Process

What is the process to purchase Term Life Insurance?  What are the steps necessary to procure term? How can I speed up the Term Life Process?  What should I do not? Buying Term Life Insurance: The process to purchase level term life insurance has never been simpler.   There are just so many places to […]

Private Flood Insurance

For decades FEMA Flood Insurance, through the US Department of Homeland Security, was the only form of Flood Insurance.   Over the years rates have continually gone up.  They have gone up for congressional reasons, mapping reasons, and for underwriting reasons.  However, why flood insurance has been getting more expensive is almost not important.  What […]

How Did my Home Get So Under insured?

How did my home get so under insured?  Why underinsurance matters.   Where under insurance begins. Under Insured Homes: Near and Dear to my heart is home rebuild coverage amounts.  I am constantly amazed at how often I see home insurance policies written with peanut coverage amounts.  Amounts that should make a licensed insurance agent […]