Archive for the ‘Business Insurance’ Category

Cyber Insurance in San Francisco

For many business owners, Cyber Insurance protection is an after thought.  But it shouldn’t be, in today’s interconnected world it might just be your very first business insurance policy, especially in the Bay Area. “I have got to get General Liability Insurance first”, most people think.  However they get GL and forget to follow up […]

Apartment Building Private Flood Insurance

Apartment Building Private Flood Insurance is typically required of buildings that carry a mortgage and that are located in high hazard flood zones.  By FEMA definitions these flood zones basically include the A and the V zones.   There are variations of these two types of flood zones, but essentially if your building is in […]

Commercial Private Flood Insurance

Commercial Private Flood Insurance is a serious option for owners of Apartment Buildings.   The cost savings combined with flood coverage should be discussed with an experienced independent insurance agent. Own a Apartment Building and Want to Save on Flood Insurance? Considering Cheaper Flood Insurance for a Commercial Building? Can you purchase Non Admitted Flood […]

Term Life Process

What is the process to purchase Term Life Insurance?  What are the steps necessary to procure term? How can I speed up the Term Life Process?  What should I do not? Buying Term Life Insurance: The process to purchase level term life insurance has never been simpler.   There are just so many places to […]

Obvious Ways to Keep your Insurance Clean from a Good Insurance Broker

Semi Obvious Ways to Keep your Insurance Clean from a Good Insurance Broker. There is lots of noise out there about insurance.  Much of it is dedicated to purchasing Auto or Home Insurance.  Not enough seems dedicated to protecting you – the consumer.  How best to protect myself and my family?   How can I customize […]

2016 Insurance

Can you believe it is already 2016?  How to clean up your insurance in the new year.  Last year I put a short piece online through patch, about 2015.  This year, I opted to have it my own site.   2016 Insurance: A quick list of Insurance things to check for the new year.  Confirm […]

The Insurance Loyalty Surcharge

Have you been with the same insurer for eight years? Did you know that staying with the same insurer can end up costing you more money? Are you aware of the difference between a captive agent and an independent agent? How long have you been with your insurer?  Who gets charged with Insurance Loyalty Surcharge?   […]

Most popular endorsements to a home insurance policy

What are the most popular coverage endorsements that may be added to a homeowners insurance policy? Why should I consider these insurance endorsements? The way a homeowners insurance policy works is that the you the consumer choose the policy that you want and modify it with your personal information and then add certain amendments (called […]

16 1/2 reasons you may need term life insurance

Your Wonderful Baby Girl just had her fifth birthday party at Muir Beach with all of her friends Acquired a new two million dollar home in Tiburon complete with a 1.6 million dollar mortgage Second Child, a boy is delivered at Marin General Hospital in Greenbrae Risk management seminar in Los Angeles has you wondering about your […]

Scott Johnson Nerdwallet Life Insurance Article

Scott W Johnson, Manager and Principal Broker Agent was cited in “Eight Tips for Talking to Your Spouse About Life Insurance” on NerdWallet.  The article discusses  the challenges that couples face when procuring and reviewing various Life Insurance options.  “It’s not easy to discuss death, particularly when it means talking to your spouse about his […]

Small Business Insurance Hiscox

Marindependent Insurance Services LLC through a partner of ours is now able to offer small business insurance including BOP (Business Owners Policy), General Liability, and other types of needed insurance for a wide plethora of professions through the Hiscox NOW Small Business Program.     MIS LLC acts as a broker in this situation and with […]

Insurance in Marin County

I have written in the past about the extremes of writing homeowners insurance in and around wonderful Marin county.  Many of these factors also are true in Sonoma and San Francisco counties and really also in and around most of the San Francisco bay area.  That post mostly focused on the terrain in writing homeowners […]